luni, 26 mai 2008

Where the fuck it's Gheorghe?!Andrei Gheorghe.

AG got his ass real punked!! Obsedaţi suprem să schimbăm când pe Realitatea, când la Badea iată-ne acum cu telecomanda în mână pasivi.Nu ca Badea nu s-ar pricepe...dar parcă suspansul slalomului printre publicitate, emisiuni şi canale intermediare făceau talk-shourile celor 2 mai inedite.Corect, intervalul orar 22:00-00:00 aparţine Antenelor.Dar nu, eu nu vorbesc de trusturi,ci de prezenţă de spirit.Acum parcă am tot obosit să schimb Antenele şi dau instinctiv pe Realitatea.Turcescu îmi pare cantonat de ani de zile acolo.Şi nici meciul politic nu atrage pentru ca este(recitiţi):,,politic''.

,,Trăim în România şi asta ne ocupă tot timpul" contra ,,Bună seara naţiune"sau ,,Cine dracu' l-a adus pe asta la mine în emisiune?''1-1...

Oricum amândoi sunt la fel de demenţi şi deci de rating-eri, dar mie mai dor de mistoul andreigheorghenesc, de ridicările lui din sprâncenă, mai ales că avem pomana cea de 4 ani.Poate a fost modul lui de a fi in silentio stampa, oricum condoleanţe publicului!

sâmbătă, 24 mai 2008

Europa cui? Europa mea?

Ca un hot va fur acum cateva clipe de dragul amatorului de senzational...Nu sunt mandra ca sunt europeana.Dar asta nu inseamna ca imi este rusine de asta.NU poti cere un set de valori prefabricate.Identitatea nu ti-o cumperi dintr-un magazin pret-a-porter.Pur si simplu s-a intamplat...Inca nu sunt obinsnuita cu ideea...Asta ma poate face sa privesc fara prejudecati spre restul lumii. Cliseele aderarii le regasim cu usurinta(de obicei incep cu ''cresterea'' pensiilor, dar se pot termina si cu aceea a preturilor).Unii au dreptate.Schimbarile sunt bune si rele...Maine va fi bine(iata speranta), acum , dupa aderare, e bine (iata iluzia!). Noi suntem parte integranta a Europiei doar la nivel de semnatura.Practic Europa inseamna Franta,Germania, Spania,Italia,cu atat mai putin Calarasi.Se poate cosulta o harta in acest sens.Cand zici Calarasi zici doar atat...unii spun ''mai mult praf decat oras'' poti spune inca Europa.Ca am intrat in Europa...DA!este legal.Iertare,dar nu e nimic personal.Si optimismul poate fi o forma de boala.Asta pentru ca refuz sa vad ce am sub nas si incerc pe cat posibil sa imi largesc pe cat posibil campul vizual.Dar lucrul acesta nu l-am invatat si s-ar putea sa nu ne pricepem toti la asta. Pe cuvant,recunosc Europa, doar dupa cele 12 stele galbene pe fond albastru si acestea oarecum ingalbenite de trecerea timpului.Se cauta propietar...Europa cui?...Europa mea?.... Sa nu ma categorisiti drept un umil servitor de-al lui Cioran. SUnt fireste si parti bune, insa nu de fiecare data data ajung unde trebui iar perceptia este oricum deformata.Iar aceasta responsabilitate nu-i revine unui simplu innegritor de hartie. Imi cer scuze ca ma irosit timpul dumneavoastra si pixul meu caci oricum problemele acestea ma depasesc.

vineri, 23 mai 2008

MEDIA: I'm just doing my homework, don't you have homework to do?

Woken up by your chillout alarm, slip on your 'Tabu', or maybe even your 'GQ', if you think that makes you a trend-setter. Sticked over your door, Fergie smiles as an accomplice. Grab the newspaper on the doorstep, ride to school with the radio in the car,the computer at work, check the caller ID to see who's on the phone, eat cartoons, drink soap-operas. Stare at the TV till you're stupefied. Adopt it as your living room. Hel-lo! Is there any time of the day when were not being abused by all means of communication. Can we have an inch of free space, do you mind? Our lives couldn't be more dictated only if they figure out a way to get communication while you're sleeping. Ok, they do that already. Never mind!

First i'd like to make my position clear. The Media plays us. Let us choose how, because we dont't have time for entartainment when homewok such as poverty and hunger, child mortality or Hiv and cancer are waiting at the door.

Once upon a time computers had keyboards to perform any desired function. But is it possible that we gone so spoiled by choices that we've become unable to make one?
I believe, this is the job to a simple blacker of the paper. I'm a journalist of the world. My eye works afterhours to shock you, to make you adopt world's problems as your own problems. Live.
It's sad that, only in the front of danger an almost certain death, humanity takes place. The war gives you other eyes to see? So, we need media to learn us how to watch reality, because reality shrinks small like a T-shirt overworn in highschool. It's difficult because no on has gone to school to learn how to bring harmony
through communication and dialogue. Peace comes to each of us but it can exist just in degrees. So you can't stick it over your hand, or buy it from a pret-a-porter store.

We wouldn't expect now from media to educate? Isn't it enough that keeps us in touch by sharing information, by sharing us and at the same time desinform and overinform us? Also provides pieces of information which are essential for the development of the outside world. The most beautiful sport in the world? To know. A perfect moment. A perfect life. But it is the price of information too big? The media offers an accesible life scenery which is lived like an ersatz, second-hand dreams.
Media should offer a free, compulsory and multinational program called World TV, which should promote poverty,starvation or charity projects, organization and people that aren't idle such as Red Cruice, United Way,Unicef, Change me, 'Dance for life' and so on.
The media should promote all human beings not only beauty, therefore intelligence. Beauty not necessarly slimming diets or sizes, kilos etc. It would be a pity, if Africa move into Europe or USA, by promoting excessive losing weight through subnutrition. In addition to this, the media must promote clothes of all sizes. Education through fashion. Convince 'people that sell' to wear T-shirts containing peaceful messages. Because wherever you look you find people doing what stars on the cover are doing. The mass instruments must put some 'good' pressure on politicians so they really do what they promise and sign for.
Through the wise use of the media, stars must show us ideas, real life not just clothes, cars and blings-blings. In other words, what they do must be more important than how they look. Today Angelina Jolie can equal the work of a hundred Unicef's ambassadors. Force 3 role models to convince the youth to give up using drugs, even if they take drugs themselves.You'll save enough paper, ideas, money and people's time. Famous brands can promote an educational message not a story relationed with the product because anyone knows it.

The Internet is due to support youth exchanges(like music,information), encouraging them to be players of globalisation. Also have to reflect their values and concerns(through blogs,chats,opened conversations or worldwide competitions) by improving their communication skills and their attitudes.

As an Unicef ambasador I advise you to bring into your mind the actors that can do a good job-love, kindness, security, faith, courage and wisdome. Now you need educated senses. Will there be a war of your ear and eye today? Double-click on the future. Refuse to be responsible. Do it for love. Look forward to dreams. Laugh
a lot. Cultivate moods. Be opened minded. Dive in. Entertain your inner child. Get wet. Hug trees. Just breathe and be!

But you responsible peolple, don't have time to do such foolish. Being poor, I have only my dreams; I place them all at your feet. Watch your steps because you can step on them.

How we all struggle to find the best way to communicate using innovative devices.Communication should be simple and natural.(Do we really have to use
buttons or emoticons to say 'love'?).

This page is under construction. Maybe I add some arrows myself. It's up to us now if we click 'Back' or 'Next'. Still, have a refresh, daily.